VorutaVoruta is a data access framework for embedding SQL statements in Java methods using custom javadoc tags and dynamic code generation at runtime. QDox is used to parse metadata and CGLib to generate implementation at runtime. Data Access Classes and MetadataData Access Classes are JAVA interfaces, interface method declaration and custom java doc tags are used to generate Data Access Object. Generated Service is stateless and thread safe. public interface UserManager { /** *@update INSERT INTO _USER_ (username,password)VALUES($1,$2) */ public void addUser(String userName,String password); /** *@query SELECT COUNT(1) > 0 * FROM _USER_ WHERE userName=$1 AND password=$2 */ public boolean authenticate(String userName,String password); } public static UserManager getUserManager(){ UserManager manager = (UserManager)Db. getProcedures(UserManager.class); } public static void main(String [] args){ try{ getUserManager().addUser(args[0], args[1]); Db.commit(); }finally{ Db.close(); } }
property is set then metadata is not cached, it
can be usefull at development time. Metadata parser validates SQL and logs query plan
in "autotrace" mode too. Any static or parameteresed query can be validated on application startup
without executing it on database. It is RBMS specific feature, default configuration uses
PostgreSQL style "EXPLAIN" command.
Method parameters are mapped to JDBC prepared statement parameters and are indexed from one. Data access method can read ThreadLocal constants, Beans can be used as parameters too. public interface UserManager { public static final ThreadLocal CALLER = new ThreadLocal(); /** *@update INSERT INTO _USER_ ( username, password, created_by ) * VALUES( $1.id, $1.password, $CALLER ) */ public void addUser(User bean); } Dynamic SQLWe have used static SQL and JDBC parameters in examples, but parameters, final fields or voruta properties can be used to generate dynamic SQL too. /** *@query SELECT COUNT(1) FROM ${1} */ public int count(String tableName);
will be replaced with the first method parameter before to execute query.
JAVA constants and
properties (properties have priority) can be used for dynamic SQL too:
static public String FIELD_LIST = "id,name,value"; /** *@query SELECT ${FIELD_LIST} FROM MY_TABLE WHERE ID=$1 */ public Object[] row(int id); /** *@query SELECT ${FIELD_LIST} FROM MY_TABLE; */ public Collection rows();
in query to reduce copy/paste operations.
Unmapped parameters are used by custom handler implementations.
Stored Procedures
style procedures can be used with Voruta, INOUT and OUT parameters
are not supported at this time.
Voruta uses
/** * This file is used for metadata and must be in classpath at runtime, * set "voruta.execute" property to "on" at development time to * execute SQL statements on startup. * Static "Db.init(Properties props)" method is used to set properties * * @execute CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION concat_text (TEXT, TEXT) RETURNS TEXT AS ' * BEGIN * RETURN $1 || $2; * END; * ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; * */ public interface Demo { /** *@query SELECT concat_text($1,$2) */ String concatText(String s1, String s2); }
tag values are not parsed by Voruta.
Cache is optional feature, voruta will try to find result in memory first before to execute
query if
Default is no cache and no flush Result Set Handlers
There are a few predefined
SELECT COUNT(1) > 0 FROM _USER_ WHERE userName=$1 AND password=$2
implementation is used.
The most of handler implementations are very trivial and reusable:
public Object handle(DbResultSet rs, Class returnType, Object[] params) throws Exception{ if (rs.next()) { Object result = rs.get(0); if(rs.next()){ throw new DbException("too many results"); } return result; } throw new DbException("empty result set"); } }
Object[] params
is array of method parameters. See samples and tests for more use cases.
You can exdend framework and use custon handlers, but there are
predefined handlers for the most of use cases,
voruta handles Maps, Collections, Arrays, Beans.
/** *@query SELECT FLD_ID ad id, FLD_NAME as name * FROM TBL_TEST * WHERE FLD_ID=$1 *@handler bean */ public DemoBean getRowAsBean( int id ); Map
/** *@query SELECT FLD_ID ad id, FLD_NAME as name * FROM TBL_TEST * WHERE FLD_ID=$1 * */ public Map getRowAsMap( int id ); Array of Objects
@handler vector
/** *@query SELECT FLD_ID ad id, FLD_NAME as name * FROM TBL_TEST * WHERE FLD_ID=$1 * */ public Object[] getRowAsArray( int id );
@handler beans ( <Class Name> )
Collection of beans
Voruta returns collections of beans and arrays too.
/** *@query SELECT FLD_ID ad id, FLD_NAME as name * FROM TBL_TEST * *@handler beans(DemoBean) */ public Collection getBeans(); Collection of arrays
/** *@query SELECT FLD_ID as id, FLD_NAME as name * FROM TBL_TEST * */ public Collection getArrays(); Column
/** *@query SELECT FLD_ID as id * FROM TBL_TEST * */ public List getColumn();
All predefined handlers are optional, use
PropertiesVoruta properties can be used for global settings. It can be usefull for use cases like this: /** * @pgsql-execute CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION concat_text (TEXT, TEXT) RETURNS TEXT AS ' * BEGIN * RETURN $1 || $2; * END; * ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; * * @somedb-execute CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION concat_text(s1 IN varchar, s2 IN varchar) * RETURN varchar IS * BEGIN * RETURN s1 || s2; * END; * */
TagsCustom javadoc tags are used as metadata.
Custom InterceptorsCustom interceptors decorate interceptor implemented by Voruta to transform return value, parameters or to throw exceptions. One of the most trivial use cases is synchronization: public class SynchronizedInterceptor implements ProcedureInterceptor { Object invoke(Method method, Object args[], Invokation invocation,Properties tags )throws Throwable{ synchronized(this){ return invocation.invoke(method, args); } } } Abstract ClassesAbstract class can be used as DAO too. It must declare "default" constructor, must not be final and declare abstract methods. It can implement one or more data access interfaces. Abstract class source code is ignored and is not used to parse javadoc comments. It is used to implement helper methods, class methods are not intercepted. public abstract class AbstractUserManager implements UserManager{ public AbstractDemo() { } public void check( String user,String role )throws UnAuthorizedException{ if(!isUserInRole(user,role)){ // calls DA method throw new UnAuthorizedException(); } } public void addUsers(Collection users){ for( Iterator i = users.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ){ User user = (User)i.next(); addUser(user); //method implemented by voruta } } } Logging
Voruta uses internal
Voruta debug output: [java] main INFO public abstract boolean net.sf.voruta.AbstractDemo.exists(int) [java] EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(1) > 0 FROM TBL WHERE ? = ID [java] QUERY PLAN [java] Aggregate (cost=22.50..22.51 rows=1 width=0) [java] -> Result (cost=0.00..20.00 rows=1000 width=0) [java] One-Time Filter: NULL::boolean [java] -> Seq Scan on tbl (cost=0.00..20.00 rows=1000 width=0) See API documentation for more information. Exception handlingVoruta rethrows all runtime or declared exceptions, undeclared exeptions are wrapped using DbException, it exdends RuntimeException and getCause() method is used to return cause. DbException overrides printStackTrace() methods and generates readable stack traces. Thread Local Connection
Voruta uses ThreadLocal to manage connections, transactions and cache.
Interface implementations generated by voruta are thread safe.
Application must call
Class and resource loadingHandler implementations are loaded by Data Access Class loader and are defined in the same runtime package. Voruta uses the same class loader to find resources (source file) too. Samples
Integration sample with J2EE is in
IntegrationVoruta doe's not provide connection pool, use your favorite implementation. DBCP is popular and well tested jakarta commons component. Voruta doe's not provide custom development tools and needs no integration with ide. Standard javadoc features help to use IDE features like Code Completion. Develpment with Voruta and Netbeans IDE:
Monitoring UI:
$Id: index.xml,v 1.33 2004/03/07 14:33:57 baliuka Exp $ |